Creation of man by Michelangelo

Knowledge of God by Henry Melvill Gwatkin, 2 Volume set

Today’s free book is a H.M. Gwatkin’s 2 volume set on historical development of the knowledge of God. This public domain work was digitised from the copies held in Spurgeon’s College library that were formerly owned by F.B. Meyer. Henry Melvill Gwatkin [1844-1916], The Knowledge of God and its Historical Development, 2 Vols. Edinburgh: T…

New York City Church

Sunday – its Origin, History and Present Obligation by J.A. Hessey

Today’s free book is James A. Hessey’s 1860 Bampton Lectures on the Christian Sunday. Several of the lectures helpful survey the history of the observance of Sunday through Christian history. A copy of this public domain title was provided by Book Aid for digitisation. More resources on Sunday observance can be found here. This post…

The Annunciation by Murillo, 1655–1660, Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg. Source: Wikipedia.

Angelic Beings: Their Nature and Ministry by Charles D. Bell

Today’s free book is Charles D. Bell’s study of angels in the Bible. This title is in the public domain. Charles Deat Bell [1818-1898], Angelic Beings: Their Nature and Ministry. London: The Religious Tract Society, [1875]. Hbk. pp.186. [Click here to visit the download page for this title] Table of Contents Main image: The Annunciation…