Old Testament Theology: A Fresh Approach
Ronald E. Clements

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Book Description

Old Testament Theology: A Fresh Approach
Publication Year:
Marshall, Morgan & Scott
Old Testament Theology
Copyright Holder:
R.E. Clements - reproduced by Permission
Ronald E. Clements, Old Testament Theology: A Fresh Approach


From the dustjacket:

What is Old Testament Theology? For the past two hundred years Old Testament Scholars have developed a distinctive presentation of the theological significance of this literature on the basis of a penetrating historical criticism. Increasingly, however, the form and structure of this discipline has moved away from other areas of theological investigation. The result is that today Old Testament Theology bears little relationship to the historic ways in which Christians and Jews have actually found theological meaning in the Bible.

In order to establish a better understanding, and to recover its proper contribution to man's knowledge of God, Old Testament Theology must be prepared to accept new starting points for itself. In advocating such a fresh approach Dr Clements outlines three basic factors which must be taken fully into account.

The actual canonical form of the Old Testament literature must be respected more fully than has been customary in such theologies, since this determines how its contents are actually read and heard in a theological setting.

Secondly more attention must be given to those fundamental categories of interpretation by a which a unity has been found in the Old Testament. This points to the major categories of "Law" and "Promise" which have provided the fundamental unifying themes of the Old Testament for Jews and Christians.

Thirdly the setting of the Old Testament in the ancient Near East must be more fully taken into account, in evaluating the uniqueness of its own religious traditon.

Far from the Old Testament being of only marginal interest to modern theological discussion, it is argued that it raises questions which have become central to the very nature of man's quest for truth in religion.

Table of Contents

    PrefaceView in PDF format pdf ix
1.   The Problem of Old Testament TheologyView in PDF format pdf 1
  1. The Origins of Old Testament Theology 4
  2. Historical Criticism of the Old Testament 11
  3. The Old Testament as Canon 15
  4. The Old Testament and the Bible 19
2.   Dimensions of Faith in the Old TestamentView in PDF format pdf 26
  1. The Literary Dimension of Faith 27
  2. The Historical Dimension of Faith 33
  3. The Cultic Dimension of Faith 40
  4. The Intellectual Dimension of Faith 46
3.   The God of IsraelView in PDF format pdf 53
  1. The Being of God 58
  2. The Names of God 62
  3. The Presence of God 66
  4. The Uniqueness of God 72
4.   The People of GodView in PDF format pdf 79
  1. People and Nation 82
  2. The Theology of Election 87
  3. The Theology of Covenant 96
5.   The Old Testament as LawView in PDF format pdf 104
  1. The Meaning of tôrâh 106
  2. The Pentateuch as tôrâh 110
  3. The tôrâh and the Prophets 120
  4. From tôrâh to Law 127
6.   The Old Testament as PromiseView in PDF format pdf 131
  1. Prophecy and the Judgement of Israel 137
  2. Prophecy and Hope 140
  3. The Forms of Prophetic Hope 144
  4. The Promise in the Law and the Writings 149
7.   The Old Testament and the History of ReligionView in PDF format pdf 155
  1. The Old Testament and the Religions of the Ancient East 157
  2. Religious Polemic in the Old Testament 165
  3. Authority in Israelite Religion 170
  4. The Old Testament in Religion 174
8.   The Old Testament and the Study of TheologyView in PDF format pdf 179
  1. The Old Testament and Biblical Study 182
  2. The Old Testament and the Study of Theology 186
  3. The Old Testament and the Study of Religions 191
  4. The Old Testament and Mankind 196
    NotesView in PDF format pdf 201
    Select BibliographyView in PDF format pdf 207
    General IndexView in PDF format pdf 210
    Index of Authors 211
    Index of Biblical References 212

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