The Hulsean Lecture Series

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Hulsean Lectures

  • 1820Hulsean lectures for 1820: Twenty discourses preached before the University of Cambridge in the year 1820, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Hulse—Christopher Benson [1788–1868]

  • 1821On the evidences of Christianity, as they were stated and enforced in the discourses of our Lord: comprising a connected view of the claims which Jesus advanced, of the arguments by which he supported them, and of his statements respecting the causes, progress, and consequences of infidelity—James Clarke Franks [1793–1867]

  • 1822On Scripture Difficulties—Christopher Benson [1788–1868]

  • 1823On the apostolical preaching and vindication of the gospel to the Jews, Samaritans, and devout Gentiles: as exhibited in the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of St. Peter, and the Epistle to the Hebrews—James Clarke Franks [1793–1867]

  • 1824—No lectures

  • 1825—No lectures

  • 1826On the historical types contained in the Old Testament—Temple Chevallier [1794-1873]

  • 1827On the proofs of divine power and wisdom: derived from the study of astronomy ; and on the evidence, doctrines, and precepts of revealed religion—Temple Chevallier [1794-1873]

  • 1828—No lectures

  • 1829—No lectures

  • 1830—No lectures

  • 1831The veracity of the historical books of the Old Testament: from the conclusion of the Pentateuch, to the opening of the prophets, argued from the undesigned coincidences to be found in them, when compared in their several parts: being a continuation of the argument for the veracity of the five books of Moses—John James Blunt [1794-1855] [Linked version is an updated version of these lectures]

  • 1832Principles for the proper understanding of the Mosaic writings stated and applied: together with an incidental argument for the truth of the resurrection of our Lord—John James Blunt [1794-1855]

  • 1833The Law of Moses viewed in connexion with the History and Character of the Jews: with a defence of the book of Joshua against professor Leo of Berlin—Henry John Rose [1800-1873]

  • 1834—No lectures

  • 1835The truth and obligation of revealed religion, considered with reference to prevailing opinions—Henry Howarth

  • 1836Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God—Henry Howarth

  • 1837Rationalism and Revelation: or, The testimony of moral philosophy, the system of nature, and the constitution of man, to the truth of the doctrines of Scripture—Richard Parkinson [1797–1858]

  • 1838The constitution of the visible church of Christ : considered, under the heads of authority and inspiration of scripture; creeds, tradition; articles of religion; heresy and schism; state-alliance, preaching, and national education—Richard Parkinson [1797–1858]

  • 1839Man's responsibility in reference to his religious belief—Theyre Townsend Smith [1799-1852]

  • 1840The Christian religion in connexion with the principles of morality—Theyre Townsend Smith [1799-1852]

  • 1841The consistency of the Divine conduct in revealing of the doctrines of redemption—Henry Alford [1810-1871]

  • 1842The consistency of the Divine conduct in revealing of the doctrines of redemption: part the second—Henry Alford [1810-1871]

  • 1843An examination of certain passages in our Lord's conversation with Nicodemus—John Howard Marsden [1803-1891]

  • 1844The evils which have resulted at various times from a misapprehension of our Lord's miracles—John Howard Marsden [1803-1891]

  • 1845The fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the spiritual life of men—Richard Chenevix Trench [1774-1860]

  • 1846Christ the Desire of all Nations: or, The unconscious prophecies of heathendom—Richard Chenevix Trench [1774-1860]

  • 1847On the Canon of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, and on the Apocrypha—Christopher Wordsworth [1807-1885]

  • 1848Lectures on the Apocalypse: critical, expository, and practical—Christopher Wordsworth [1807-1885]

  • 1849The Doctrine of a Future State—William Gilson Humphry [1815-1886]

  • 1850The Early Progress of the Gospel—William Gilson Humphry [1815-1886]

  • 1851—The preparation of the gospel as exhibited in the history of the Israelites—George Currey

  • 1852The confirmation of faith by reason and authority—George Currey

  • 1853Scripture difficulties: four sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, in April—Benjamin Morgan Cowie [1816-1900]

  • 1854Scripture difficulties: sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, including the Hulsean lectures for 1854—Benjamin Morgan Cowie [1816-1900]

  • 1855—The Doctrines and Difficulties of the Christian Faith contemplated from the standing ground afforded by the Catholic doctrine of the being of our Lord Jesus Christ—Harvey Goodwin [1818-1891]

  • 1856The Glory of the Only Begotten of the Father seen in the manhood of Christ—Harvey Goodwin [1818-1891]

  • 1857The Creeds of the Church, in their relations to the word of God and to the conscience of the Christian—Charles Anthony Swainson [1820–1887]

  • 1858The Authority of the New Testament, the Conviction of Righteousness, and the Ministry of Reconciliation—Charles Anthony Swainson [1820–1887]

  • 1859—Charles John Ellicott, Historical Lectures on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ—Charles John Ellicott [1819–1905]

  • 1860—The Seven Words spoken against the Lord Jesus: or an investigation of the motives which led his contemporaries to reject him—John Lamb

  • 1861—Charles Merivale [1808-1893], not published

  • 1862The Character of St. Paul—John Saul Howson [1816–1885]

  • 1863—Francis Morse [1818-1886], not published

  • 1864The Age and the Gospel—Daniel Moore

  • 1865Our Lord Jesus Christ the Subject of Growth in Wisdom—James Moorhouse [1826-1915]

  • 1866The Godhead of Jesus—Edward Henry Perowne [1826-1906]

  • 1867Analogies in the Progress of Nature and Grace—Charles Pritchard [1808-1893]

  • 1868Immortality—John James Stewart Perowne [1823-1904]

  • 1869On Some of the Characteristics of Belief: Scientific and Religious—John Venn [1834-1923]

  • 1870The Witness of History to Christ—Frederic William Farrar [1831-1903)]

  • 1871The Way The Truth The Life—Fenton John Anthony Hort [1828-1892]

  • 1872—Josiah Brown Pearson [1841–1895], not published

  • 1873The Gospel its own Witness—Stanley Leathes [1830-1900]

  • 1874Sin, as set forth in Holy Scripture—George Martin Straffen

  • 1875Some Reasons of our Christian Hope—Edward Thomas Vaughan

  • 1876—Through Nature to Christ: or, The Ascent of Worship Through Illusion to the Truth—Edwin Abbott Abbott [1838-1926]

  • 1877The Human Life of Christ: Revealing the Order of the Universe—George Smith Drew [1819–1880]

  • 1878—The Witness of the Heart to Christ—William Boyd Carpenter [1841-1918]

  • 1879—The Jewish and the Christian Messiah: a study in the earliest history of Christianity—Vincent Henry Stanton [1846-1924]

  • 1880—"The Intercession of Christ, or our Lord's present work in Heaven as High Priest of His Church, as it is revealed in Holy Scripture, and in its bearing on the worship of the Church on earth" (not published)—Thomas Thomason Perowne [1824-1913]

  • 1881—Secularism, Scepticism, Ritualism, Liberationism—Joseph Foxley

  • 1882The Law and the Prophets—Frederick Watson [1844-1906]

  • 1883The Atonement Viewed in the Light of Certain Modern Difficulties—John James Lias [1834-1923]

  • 1884The Influence of Science on Theology—Thomas George Bonney [1833-1923]

  • 1885S. Austin and his Place in the History of Christian Thought—William Cunningham [1849-1919]

  • 1886Christian Reunion—John de Soyres [1847-1905]

  • 1887—"Misrepresentations of Christianity," not published—Joseph Hirst Lupton [1836–1905]

  • 1888Christ the Life of Men—Henry Major Stephenson []

  • 1889—The "Asaph" Psalms in their Connexion with the Early Religion of Babyloni—Edward George Kinga

  • 1890Order and Growth: as involved in the spiritual constitution of human society—John Llewelyn Davies [1826-1916]

  • 1891The Place of Miracles in Religion—Arthur Temple Lyttelton [1852-1903]

  • 1892Alexandrian and Carthaginian Theology Contrasted—John Bickford Heard [1828- ]

  • 1893Persecution and Tolerance—Mandell Creighton [1843-1901]

  • 1894—The Ecclesiastical Expansion of England in the growth of the Anglican Communion—Alfred Barry [1826-1910]

  • 1895The Attitude of the Church to some of the Social Problems of Town Life—William Moore Ede [1849-1935]

  • 1896The Mysteries, Pagan and Christian—Samuel Cheetham [1827-1908]

  • 1897The Hope of Immortality—James Edward Cowell Welldon [1854-1937]

  • 1898The Gospel of the Atonement—James Wilson [1836-1931]

  • 1899Purgatory; The State of the Faithful Departed; Invocation of Saints—Arthur James Mason [1851-1928]

  • 1900The Credibility of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles—Fredrick Henry Chase [1853-1925]

  • 1901The Origin and Propagation of sin—Frederick Robert Tennant [1866-1957]

  • 1902Christian Difficulties in the Second and Twentieth Centuries: A Study of Marcion and his Relation to Modern Thought—F.J. Foakes Jackson [1855-1941]

  • 1903Christian thought on present-day questions—William Allen Whitworth [1840-1905]

  • 1904The Christ of English Poetry—Charles William Stubb [1845-1912]

  • 1905The Temptation of Our Lord: Considered as related to the ministry and as a revelation of his person—Henry Joseph Corbett Knight [1859-1920]

  • 1906The Episcopate and the Reformation: Our Outlook—James Pounder Whitney [1857-1939]

  • 1907The Rights and Responsibilities of National Churches—John Howard Bertram Masterman [1867–1933]

  • 1908The Gospel and Human Needs—John Neville Figgis [1866-1919]

  • 1909—Social Relationships in the Light of Christianity—W. Edward Chadwick

  • 1910The Revelation of the Son of God: Some questions and considerations arising out of a study of second century Christianity—Ernest Arthur Edghill [1879-1912]

  • 1911Dei Christus, Dei verbum—Reginald James Fletcher

  • 1912The Eschatology of Jesus—H. Latimer Jackson [1851-1926]

  • 1913Church Divisions and Christianity—William Leighton Grane [1855- ]

  • 1914The Holiness of Pascal 1915—Herbert A. Watson, The Mysticism of S. John's Gospel—Hugh Fraser Stewart [1863–1948]

  • 1916Ordered Liberty: or, An Englishman's belief in his church—Arthur Stuart Duncan Jones [1879-1955]

  • 1917The Goodness and Severity of God—John Owen Farquhar Murray [1858-1944]

  • 1918Christian Freedom—Francis Ernest Hutchinson [1871-1947]

  • 1919The Faith of the New Testament—Alexander Nairne [1862–1936]

  • 1920Knowledge and Virtue—Philip Napier Waggett [1862-1939]

  • 1921Erasmus the Reformer: A Study in Restatemen—Leonard Elliott Elliot-Binns [1885–1963]

  • 1922Religion and Natural Law—Charles Frank Russell

  • 1923Evolution, Knowledge and Revelation—Stewart Andrew McDowall [1882-1935]

  • 1924The Christian religion and its competitors to-day—Alan Coates Bouquet [1884-1976]

  • 1925The Platonic Tradition in English Religious Thought—William Ralph Inge [1860-1954]

  • 1926—The Creator Spirit: A Survey of Christian Doctrine in the Light of Biology, Psychology and Mysticism—Charles E. Raven [1885-1964]

  • 1927—Edmund Gough de Salis Wood [1841-1932], not published

  • 1929New Testament Ethics: An Introduction—Charles Archibald Anderson Scott [1859-1941]

  • 1931Authority And Reason In The Early Middle Ages—Allan John Smith Macdonald

  • 1933Christianity and the nature of history—Herbert George Wood [1879-1963]

  • 1936The Divinity of Jesus Christ: A Study in the History of Christian Doctrine since Kant—John Martin Creed [1889-1940]

  • 1938Amor dei: A Study of the Religion of St. Augustine—John Burnaby [1891-1978]

  • 1939—"The Forgiveness of Sins" (not published)—Stephen Charles Neill [1900–1984]

  • 1941—Lectures suspended during WWII

  • 1942—Lectures suspended during WWII

  • 1943—Lectures suspended during WWII

  • 1944—Lectures suspended during WWII

  • 1945—Lectures suspended during WWII

  • 1947The Christian Attitude to Other Religions—Edward Chisholm Dewick [1884-1958]

  • 1949—"The Early Medieval Doctrine of the Church" (not published)—William Owen Chadwick [1916-2015]

  • 1950Authority and Freedom: Some Psychological Problems of Religious Belief—Robert Henry Thouless [1894-1984]

  • 1952The Quickening Word: A Theological Answer to the Challenge of Islam—Laurence Edward Browne [1887- ]

  • 1954—"Origen"—Henry Chadwick [1920-2008]

  • 1956A Theology of the Laity—Hendrik Kraemer [1888-1965]

  • 1958—"The Doctrine of Grace in the English Reformers" (not published)—Clifford William Dugmore [1909-1990]

  • 1960Exile and Restoration: a study of Hebrew thought of the sixth century BC—Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005]

  • 1964A Defence of Theological Ethics—George Frederick Woods [1907-1966]

  • 1966Prayer and Providence—Peter Richard Baelz [1923-2000]

  • 1967Religion and Change—David Lawrence Edwards [1929-2018]

  • 1968—The Human Face of God—John Arthur Thomas Robinson [1919-1983]

  • 1970—"Good Works" (not published)—Kathleen Louise Wood-Legh [1901–1981]

  • 1973—The Remaking of Christian Doctrine—Maurice Frank Wiles [1923-2005]

  • 1975–1976— "The Relationship between Mission and Empire in the Nineteenth Century"—Peter Bingham Hinchliff [1929-1995]

  • 1977–1978Theology and Political Society—Charles Davis [1923-1999]

  • 1979–1980The Rise and Decline of English Modernism—Alan Malcolm George Stephenson

  • 1981–1982—"The Problem of Pleasure: A Christian Analysis" (not published)—Gordon McGregor Kendal

  • 1983–1984Baptism, Church and Society in Modern Britain: From the Evangelical Revival to Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry—David Michael Thompson

  • 1985–1986Deity and Domination: Images of God and the State in the 19th and 20th Centuries and God and Government in an 'Age of Reason'—David Nicholls

  • 1987–1988—"A Grammar of Faith" (not published)—Ingolf Ulrich Dalferth

  • 1989–1990The Spirit and the Letter: Studies in the Biblical Canon—John Barton

  • 1991–1992God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay 'On the Trinity'—Sarah Coakley

  • 1993–1994The Desire of the Nations—Oliver O'Donovan,

  • 1994–1995Nicholas Sagovsky, Ecumenism, Christian Origins and the Practice of Communion—David Brown

  • 1997–1998Brian Murdoch, Adam's Grace: Fall and Redemption in Medieval Literature—Brian Murdoch

  • 1999–2000Spaces for the Sacred: Place, Memory, Identity—Philip Sheldrake

  • 2001–2002Reconciliation: Restoring Justice—John de Gruchy

  • 2003–2004Paul: Fresh Perspectives—N.T. Wright,

  • 2005–2006Scripture, Culture, and Agriculture: An Agrarian Reading of the Bible—Ellen F. Davis

  • 2007–2008—"Religion and the Rise of Sport in Modern England" (not published)—Hugh McLeod

  • 2009–2010Darwinism and the Divine: Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology—Alister E. McGrath

  • 2011–2012—"The Cost of the Beauty of Holiness: The spiritual price of the visual tradition in the western church" (not published)—Neil MacGregor,

  • 2013–2014Reading Backwards: Figural Christology and the Fourfold Gospel Witness—Richard B. Hays

  • 2015–2016—"Christ and the Logic of Creation"—Rowan Williams

  • 2017–2018—"Holy Moses: An appreciation of Genesis and Exodus as Literature and Theology."—Marilynne Robinson

  • 2019–2020—"The God of Christian Scripture"—Walter Moberly

  • 2021–2022—"The Theological Imagination"—Judith Wolfe


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