Ministry Today UK
Issues 1 - 36 (1994-2006)

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Editorial Note: The original title of the journal Ministry Today was changed to Ministry Today UK in autumn 2011. However, for the sake of consistency in this compilation we have used throughout the title Ministry Today. The articles are for the most part an exact reprint of the originals, although some editorial modifications have taken place, not least regarding footnotes. We have also sought to update biographical data – but have not always been successful in this regard.

The PDF version of Ministry Today UK appears here by permission of the copyright holder (the authors), and the publisher. Those citing these articles should note that the pagination is different from that of the original print edition. It is recommended that articles be citied as online articles to avoid confusion, for example:

Muriel Green & Anne Townsend, "Abuse in the Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 25-31. <>. [accessed 15th November 2021]

Issues 1 - 36 (1994-2006)

Issues 37 - 72 (2006-2018)

Issue 1 (Spring 1994)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 24-25.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Muriel Green & Anne Townsend, "Abuse in the Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 25-31
On-line Resource Alistair Ross, "Abuse in the Church – some practical guidelines," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 32-33. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Michael Griffiths, "Can the Pastor be Reformed," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 34-40.
Article in Journal or Book Richard E Rusbuldt, "When Differences tear apart the Body Of Christ," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 40-52.
Article in Journal or Book American Baptist Churches, USA statement, "Management and Resolution of Conflict," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 53-54.
Article in Journal or Book Brian Haymes, "The Reformed Pastor," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 54-60.
On-line Resource Rowland Croucher, "Why Clergy are leaving The Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 60-65. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Why Clergy are leaving the Church - an English Response," Ministry Today UK Issue 1 (Spring 1994): 65-67. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]

Issue 2 (Autumn 1994)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial," Ministry Today UK Issue 2 (Autumn 1994): 70-71. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Martin Robinson, "The Mission Field On Our Doorstep," Ministry Today UK Issue 2 (Autumn 1994): 71-76. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Ralph P Martin, "Paul's Ministry... & Ours," Ministry Today UK Issue 2 (Autumn 1994): 76-80.
Article in Journal or Book Morgan Derham, "Pastoral Counselling," Ministry Today UK Issue 2 (Autumn 1994): 80-86.
Article in Journal or Book John F Balchin, "Church Meetings In Larger Churches," Ministry Today UK Issue 2 (Autumn 1994): 86-89.
Article in Journal or Book Kevin Yelverton, "The Primacy Of Grace: Mid-Ministry Reflections," Ministry Today UK Issue 2 (Autumn 1994): 89-95.
On-line Resource Tim Marks, Rediscovering the Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 2 (Autumn 1994): 96-102. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]

Issue 3 (Spring 1995)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial: My Job Description," Ministry Today UK Issue 3 (Spring 1995): 104-106. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Paul Goodliff, "The Power & The Glory," Ministry Today UK Issue 3 (Spring 1995): 106-113. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Salty Christians," Ministry Today UK Issue 3 (Spring 1995): 114-121. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Alistair Ross, "Prophetic Evangelism," Ministry Today UK Issue 3 (Spring 1995): 122-128. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Murray Robertson, "Twenty Five Years &Three Lessons Later - The Role Of The Pastor," Ministry Today UK Issue 3 (Spring 1995): 129-134.

Issue 4 (Summer 1995)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial," Ministry Today UK Issue 4 (Summer 1995): 136-137.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Jock Mcgregor, "The Mask, Madonna & Postmodernism," Ministry Today UK Issue 4 (Summer 1995): 137-143.
Article in Journal or Book Tony Campolo, "A Warning To British Christians," Ministry Today UK Issue 4 (Summer 1995): 143-150.
On-line Resource Charles De Lacy, "A Theology Of Suffering," Ministry Today UK Issue 4 (Summer 1995): 150-156. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book David Peacock, "Preparing For Sunday Worship," Ministry Today UK Issue 4 (Summer 1995): 157-165.

Issue 5 (Autumn 1995)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial: Seven steps to making disciples," Ministry Today UK Issue 5 (Autumn 1995): 168-169. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Rosie Nixson, "One Woman's Journey Into Ordained Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 5 (Autumn 1995): 170-176.
On-line Resource Alistair Ross, "Theological Reflection & The Management Of Stress," Ministry Today UK Issue 5 (Autumn 1995): 177-183. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Rob Mackintosh, "Creating A 'Learning Community' In Your Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 5 (Autumn 1995): 183-192.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence Osborn, "First Steps Beyond Modernity," Ministry Today UK Issue 5 (Autumn 1995): 192-204.

Issue 6 (Spring 1996)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial: Renewal of Wedding Vows," Ministry Today UK Issue 6 (Spring 1996): 206-208. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Myra Chave-Jones, "Treasure In Clay Pots," Ministry Today UK Issue 6 (Spring 1996): 209-216.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Clark, "Whose Business?" Ministry Today UK Issue 6 (Spring 1996): 217-223.
Article in Journal or Book David Jackman, " Is Your Home Group Really Necessary?" Ministry Today UK Issue 6 (Spring 1996): 223-228.
Article in Journal or Book Malcolm Goodspeed, "Eros - Icon Or Idol? A minister’s sexuality in practice," Ministry Today UK Issue 6 (Spring 1996): 229-236.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence Osborn, "Postmodernities: An Introductory Reading List," Ministry Today UK Issue 6 (Spring 1996): 236-240.

Issue 7 (Summer 1996)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial: Constant Change is Here to Stay," Ministry Today UK Issue 7 (Summer 1996): 242-244. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Colin Buchanan, "Training Newly Ordained Ministers," Ministry Today UK Issue 7 (Summer 1996): 244-248. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Rob Mackintosh, "Has The C Of E Got Its Act Together?" Ministry Today UK Issue 7 (Summer 1996): 248-250.
Article in Journal or Book Bryan Gilbert, "Reflections On 'Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People'," Ministry Today UK Issue 7 (Summer 1996): 251-260.
Article in Journal or Book Wesley Carr, "Negotiating Change," Ministry Today UK Issue 7 (Summer 1996): 260-269.
Article in Journal or Book Joan King, "Families - Something To Celebrate: Part I," Ministry Today UK Issue 7 (Summer 1996): 269-278.
Article in Journal or Book David Goodbourn, "Overcoming Barriers To Adult Christian Education," Ministry Today UK Issue 7 (Summer 1996): 278-289.

Issue 8 (Autumn 1996)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial: To jump – Or Not To Jump – on The Bandwagon," Ministry Today UK Issue 8 (Autumn 1996): 292-294. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Deans Buchanan, "Ministry & Suffering In The Life Of Paul," Ministry Today UK Issue 8 (Autumn 1996): 294-314.
On-line Resource Martyn Percy, "Making Waves: A Perspective On Ministry & Revivalism," Ministry Today UK Issue 8 (Autumn 1996): 315-326. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Walker, "Into The Future: Some Notes On The Cultural Context Of Mission & Gospel Hope," Ministry Today UK Issue 8 (Autumn 1996): 327-336-
Article in Journal or Book Joan King, "Families - Something To Celebrate: Part 2," Ministry Today UK Issue 8 (Autumn 1996): 336-343.

Issue 9 (Spring 1997)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial: Benefitting From Appraisal," Ministry Today UK Issue 9 (Spring 1997): 346-347. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource John Durrant, "Appraising Church Leaders Today," Ministry Today UK Issue 9 (Spring 1997): 348-358. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Appraisal - A Corporate Response," Ministry Today UK Issue 9 (Spring 1997): 358-360.
Article in Journal or Book Roy Oswald, "Appraisal - An American Experience," Ministry Today UK Issue 9 (Spring 1997): 361-366.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Appraisal: A British Experience," Ministry Today UK Issue 9 (Spring 1997): 366-371. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Christine Sine, "On Being Spiritually Accountable," Ministry Today UK Issue 9 (Spring 1997): 372-380.

Issue 10 (Summer 1997)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial," Ministry Today UK Issue 10 (Summer 1997): 16-18. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Patricia Fouque, "Abuse In Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 10 (Summer 1997): 18-26.
Article in Journal or Book John Simmonds, "Appraisal - A Methodist Experience," Ministry Today UK Issue 10 (Summer 1997): 26-35.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Long-Term Pastorate," Ministry Today UK Issue 10 (Summer 1997): 36-42. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Julian Reindorp, "The Long-Term Pastorate - Some Reflections," Ministry Today UK Issue 10 (Summer 1997): 42-44. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Head Of Ministry, Baptist Union Of Great Britain, ".And A Comment From Revd Malcolm Goodspeed," Ministry Today UK Issue 10 (Summer 1997): 45.

Issue 11 (Autumn 1997)

On-line Resource

Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial," Ministry Today UK Issue 11 (Autumn 1997): 48-49. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book John Bell, "Reforming Worship," Ministry Today UK Issue 11 (Autumn 1997): 50-63.
Article in Journal or Book Geoff Colmer, "Worship - A Musician's View," Ministry Today UK Issue 11 (Autumn 1997): 63-68.
Article in Journal or Book Margaret Bowker, "Helps On The Journey," Ministry Today UK Issue 11 (Autumn 1997): 69-71.
Article in Journal or Book Ian Green, " 'Build My Church' - Some Theological Considerations On The Theme Of Church Design," Ministry Today UK Issue 11 (Autumn 1997): 72-81..

Issue 12 (Spring 1998)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial," Ministry Today UK Issue 12 (Spring 1998): 84-85. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Celtic Spirituality," Ministry Today UK Issue 12 (Spring 1998): 85-92.
On-line Resource Philip Clements-Jewery, "Persons In Prayer," Ministry Today UK Issue 12 (Spring 1998): 92-100. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "A Bereavement Checklist," Ministry Today UK Issue 12 (Spring 1998): 101-102. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Robin Greenwood, "Ministry For Imaging A New World," Ministry Today UK Issue 12 (Spring 1998): 102-111.
On-line Resource George Beasley-Murray, "Ten Books To Rescue From The Fire," Ministry Today UK Issue 12 (Spring 1998): 112-113. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Harvey Richardson, "The Methodist Self-Appraisal Scheme," Ministry Today UK Issue 12 (Spring 1998): 114-123.

Issue 13 (Summer 1998)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial," Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 126-128. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Steve Bradley, "Stories & Stress In The Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 128-134.
Article in Journal or Book Anonymous, " Fallen From Grace - When Things Go Wrong For A Clergy Wife," Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 134-137.
Article in Journal or Book John Clarke, "Rural Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 137-145.
Article in Journal or Book Fred Craddock, "Preaching – The Art," Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 146-148.
On-line Resource Stephen Cottrell, "Damascus Or Emmaus?" Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 148-152. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Julian Reindorp, "Ten Books I Would Save From The Flames," Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 152-153. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Funeral Of A Baby: One Minister's Experience," Ministry Today UK Issue 13 (Summer 1998): 154-157. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]

Issue 14 (Autumn 1998)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Ministry is Tough," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 160-161. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Martin Thorne, "Seek To Stay Or Go...? Deciding The Future Of A Ministry Facing Difficulty," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 161-169.
Article in Journal or Book Author Unknown, "Home Truths About Baptist Pastors In The United States," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 169-170.
Article in Journal or Book Roland Riem, "Transformation By Destruction In Mark's Gospel," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 171-175.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "I Believe In The Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 175-177. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Sue Talbot, "Both Sides Of The Fence," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 178-183. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]. Revd. Dr.Talbot, after a portfolio career, founded the Gettalife Project. and is the foundation sister of an acknowledged dispersed community of vowed women. www.the
On-line Resource Derek Tidball, "Ten Books To Rescue From The Fire," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 184-185. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Rowland Croucher, "The Truth Is Out There! Genxers & The Xt Files," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 185-194. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Mike Smith, "My Friend, The Overhead Projector," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 194-195.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Helping The Hard of Hearing (Pardon?)," Ministry Today UK Issue 14 (Autumn 1998): 196-197.

Issue 15 (Spring 1999)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Five Years," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 200-202. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Brian E Beck, "Young Ministry Today - A Reflection," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 202-208.
Article in Journal or Book Leslie J Francis & Philip Richter, "Turning Leavers Into Returners: The Revised Bo-Peep Theology Of Pastoral Care," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 209-215.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Role Of Care Group Leaders," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 215-216. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Julian Reindorp, "Equipping Christians At Work," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 217-219. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Ann Morisy, "Wanted - Another Reformation," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 220-227. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Author Unknown, "The Caring For Self At Work Programme: How To Stay Healthy By Taking Care Of Oneself," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 228.
Article in Journal or Book Steven Croft, "Developing A Healthy Anglican Cell Movement," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 229-236.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Seeing The Would For The Thees," Ministry Today UK Issue 15 (Spring 1999): 236-237.

Issue 16 (Summer 1999)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Money in the Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 16 (Summer 1999): 240-242. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Simon Reynolds, "Making Cultural Connections - Reshaping Worship For Evangelism In A Missionary Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 16 (Summer 1999): 242-253.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Countdown To The Millennium Has Begun!" Ministry Today UK Issue 16 (Summer 1999): 254-261. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book John Simpson, "The Changes Life Brings To Us," Ministry Today UK Issue 16 (Summer 1999): 262-267.
Article in Journal or Book David Spriggs, "The Open Book (Part I)," Ministry Today UK Issue 16 (Summer 1999): 267-273.
Article in Journal or Book Douglas Holt, "My Friend, The Diary," Ministry Today UK Issue 16 (Summer 1999): 274-275.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Sing, Choirs Of Disciples," Ministry Today UK Issue 16 (Summer 1999): 275-277.

Issue 17 (Autumn 1999)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – The Tyranny of Preaching," Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 280-282. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Ruth Gouldbourne, "Do Women Complement Men In Ministry?" Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 283-288.
Article in Journal or Book Malcolm Clarke, "What Are Ministers For?" Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 288-296.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Commissioning Of A Trainee Youth Minister," Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 296-298. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book David Spriggs, "The Open Book (Part II)," Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 298-304.
Article in Journal or Book John Simpson, "Surviving The Culture Of Criticism," Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 304-312.
On-line Resource Derek Fraser, "Chaplaincy Reflections," Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 312-318. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Sacred Cows & Gas Lamps," Ministry Today UK Issue 17 (Autumn 1999): 318-319.

Issue 18 (Spring 2000)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – I love my church," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 322-324. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Simon Reynolds, "From Feeling To Meaning - The Doctrinal Foundations Of Worship As The Context For Pastoral Care," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 324-332.
On-line Resource Stephen Cottrell, "Better Than Average - Understanding The Changing Patterns Of Church Attendance," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 332-338. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Your Money Or Your Life - The Real Implications Of Christian Giving," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 338-344.
Article in Journal or Book Jen Hawker, "Changing Roles," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 344-347.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Barrett, "I Just Want To Go Home," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 347-350.
Article in Journal or Book John Balchin, "Lessons From Larger Churches," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 350-355.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Team Relationships - A Paper For Discussion," Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 355-359. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Victor Howlett, "Two Years On & Still The Early Bird Catches..." Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 359-362.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Not Another Newsletter!" Ministry Today UK Issue 18 (Spring 2000): 363-364.

Issue 19 (Summer 2000)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – The Role of the Leadership Team," Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 16-17. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book " “Staying the Course” — High Leigh 2000 Conference Report," Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 18.
On-line Resource Paul Goodliff, "Surviving and Thriving in Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 18-22. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Michael Bochenski, "Trends in Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 23-30. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource John Drane, "Sermons – Again!" Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 30-37. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Warner White, " Eager Longing: developing true reverence for one another," Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 37-45.
Article in Journal or Book Allen Holmes, "Let’s Hear It for the Small Churches: a rejoinder," Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 46-49.
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Grey Power for a Thriving Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 50-56.
Article in Journal or Book John Simpson, "Beware the Spiritual Tourists!" Ministry Today UK Issue 19 (Summer 2000): 56-60.

Issue 20 (Autumn 2000)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Churches and Ministers Need Breaks," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 62-63. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Bill Allen, "Leaders or Drivers: new forms of leadership for today’s church," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 64-72.
On-line Resource Ian Stackhouse, "Seven Keys for Survival in Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 72-78. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Anon, "When the Pastor Becomes a Carer," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 78-83
Article in Journal or Book David Bedford, "Ten Books I Would Save from the Flames," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 73-84.
Article in Journal or Book Wallace Boulton, "The Church Outside the Walls," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 85-89.
Article in Journal or Book Chris Grimshaw, "Marrying Church and Community: a success story," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 90-93.
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Change Management for Churches: a discussion document," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): .94-99.
On-line Resource Julian Reindorp, "How I prepare my sermons," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 100. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Barrier or Blessing: the pros and cons of clerical collars," Ministry Today UK Issue 20 (Autumn 2000): 101-102.

Issue 21 (Spring 2001)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Pastoral Care Today," Ministry Today UK Issue 21 (Spring 2001): 104-105. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Rowan Williams, "Lost Souls: What Do We Think We Are?" Ministry Today UK Issue 21 (Spring 2001): 105-115. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book John Simpson, "Don't Look Now, But Next Year's Coming!" Ministry Today UK Issue 21 (Spring 2001): 115-120.
Article in Journal or Book James Lawrence, "The Arrow Leadership Programme: a reflection," Ministry Today UK Issue 21 (Spring 2001): 120-126.
Article in Journal or Book Author Unknown, "Dealing With Your Alligators," Ministry Today UK Issue 21 (Spring 2001): 126-130.
Article in Journal or Book Geoff Colmer, "My Collection Of Fridge Magnets, Or Learnings From Ten Years In Pastoral Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 21 (Spring 2001): 130-134.
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Ten Books I Would Save From The Fire," Ministry Today UK Issue 21 (Spring 2001): 134-136.

Issue 22 (Summer 2001)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – An Ordination Charge," Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 138-140.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Sue Walrond-Skinner, "Just Managing Is Not Good Enough," Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 140-143.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Finding Lost Shepherds," Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 143-151. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Roy Mccloughry, " Mixed-Up Men: The Male Identity Crisis & The Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 151-156.
Article in Journal or Book Ruth Scott, "The Experience Of Women In Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 156-164.
Article in Journal or Book Author Unknown, "Should Men Be Ordained," Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 164-166.
Article in Journal or Book Anonymous, "Worth The Effort: re-integrating the outcast," Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 166-169.
On-line Resource Chris Skilton, "Taming The Committee!" Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 169-172. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "What Do Baptists Mean When They Dedicate 'Things'?" Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 172-174. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Do What You Do Do Well!" Ministry Today UK Issue 22 (Summer 2001): 174-176.

Issue 23 (Autumn 2001)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Wedding Photographers," Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 178-179. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Simon Reynolds, "Cherishing A Dead Body: the condition of the church and the contemporary theological enterprise," Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 180-188.
On-line Resource Julian Reindorp, "Equipping Christians At Work," Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 188-195. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Heart Of Ministry: the call of God," Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 196-201. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Paul Goodliff, "The Pastoral Care Of Pastoral Counsellors," Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 201-204. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Philip Clements-Jewery, "Why Isn't It Working: reflections on current evangelism theory and practice," Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 205-211. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book John Simpson, "Christian Leadership Is About..." Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 211-213.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Lose The Pews!" Ministry Today UK Issue 23 (Autumn 2001): 214-215.

Issue 24 (Spring 2002)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial - Experimentation," Ministry Today UK Issue 24 (Spring 2002): 218-220. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Sue Clements-Jewery, "Secrets In The Family: ministry to survivors of sexual abuse," Ministry Today UK Issue 24 (Spring 2002): 220-226.
Article in Journal or Book Phil Greenslade, "Keeping Vision, Keeping Perspective: pastoral care today," Ministry Today UK Issue 24 (Spring 2002): 226-237.
Article in Journal or Book Nigel Coles, "Ministry Fallout: can we afford it? can we prevent it?" Ministry Today UK Issue 24 (Spring 2002): 237-244.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Safety Net: a case study in the exercise of pastoral care," Ministry Today UK Issue 24 (Spring 2002): 245-247. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Weddings and Photographers," Ministry Today UK Issue 24 (Spring 2002): 248-251.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Teenagers Are Terrific," Ministry Today UK Issue 24 (Spring 2002): 251-253.

Issue 25 (Summer 2002)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – The Offering," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 256-257. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Martyn Percy, "Things Are Not As Bad As You Think: ministry in a secular age," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 257-262. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Allen Holmes, "Everybody Hurts: helping the victims of child abuse in the local church," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 262-265.
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Singing for your Supper: why church leaders hate asking for money," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 265-268.
Article in Journal or Book Stewart Henderson, "Priestly Duties," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 268-271.
Article in Journal or Book Ian Gregory, "Evening Services: a creative response," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 272-273.
Article in Journal or Book Nigel Copsey, "Thriving in Ministry: working with mental disease," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 273-276.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Case Study: the funeral of an 18 year old boy," Ministry Today UK Issue 25 (Summer 2002): 276-281. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]

Issue 26 (Autumn 2002)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – The Task of the Church is to Kiss Frogs," Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 284-285. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Bob Jackson, "Too Big To Grow: helping large congregations to stop the rot," Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 286-293.
Article in Journal or Book Terry Drummond, "Transforming Ministry: integration or infiltration?" Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 293-300.
Article in Journal or Book Kevin Ward, "Believing Without Belonging: church in the Aftermath of the sixties," Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 300-307.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Knowles, "'Don't Go There, Dad!': Diary Of A Sex Talk," Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 308-312.
On-line Resource Ian Stackhouse, "The Ministry Of Little Things," Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 312-314. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the authorr]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Threefold Cord: a wedding sermon," Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 315-317. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book

Hedgehog, "Six Feet Above Contradiction," Ministry Today UK Issue 26 (Autumn 2002): 317-318.

Issue 27 (Spring 2003)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Leadership Weekends Away," Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 320-322. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Wright, "New Every Sunday: keeping sermons fresh," Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 322-330.
Article in Journal or Book Kevin Ward, "Rethinking Church For New Zealand," Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 330-339.
Article in Journal or Book

Andrew George, "Do I Have To Wear My Genes: Genetic Determinism & The Priesthood Gene," Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 339-346.

On-line Resource Chris Skilton, "Spirituality In Suburbia," Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 346-350. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Brian Haymes, "Fearless For Truth: A Personal Portrait Of The Life Of George Beasley-Murray," Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 350-354. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book

Simon Tatton-Brown, "Exploring The New Cosmology: Gen 28.10-22 & Philemon 1-16," Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 354-358.

Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Time Out!" Ministry Today UK Issue 27 (Spring 2003): 358-360.

Issue 28 (Summer 2003)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Doing the Work of an Evangelist," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 16-17. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Kevin Ward, "Christendom, Clericalism & Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 17-25.
Article in Journal or Book Mike Smith, "Bulk-Standard Theology," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 25-27.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Faith At Fifty - Older People, Gospel & Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 28-41. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Towards A Theology Of Stewardship," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 41-47.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Some Reflections On Depression," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 47-52. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book David Atkinson, "How I Pray," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 53-54.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "You Can't Please All The People Any Of The Time," Ministry Today UK Issue 28 (Summer 2003): 54-55.

Issue 29 (Autumn 2003)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Welcoming Africans," Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 58-59. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource J Alastair Ross, "Carers, Not Counsellors," Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 59-70. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Richard Baxter, "The Pastor's Prayer," Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 70.
Article in Journal or Book Philip Clements-Jewery & Simon Tatton-Brown, "Is Our Evangelism Working?" Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 70-78.
On-line Resource Julian Reindorp, "Friends In The Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 78-80. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Angela Berensrs-Wilson, "A Woman At The Table - A Personal Reflection On Ten Years Of Women As Priests," Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 81-87.
Article in Journal or Book Ivor Moody, "Ministry On The Hoof - Chaplaincy In A Modern University," Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 87-93.
Article in Journal or Book

Hedgehog, "Theology - Systematic Or Selective," Ministry Today UK Issue 29 (Autumn 2003): 93-94.

Issue 30 (Spring 2004)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Ten Years and Still Thriving," Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 96-98. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Tony Watkins, "The Bible and The Matrix," Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 98-104.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Making A Better Barn: Leading A Church Through A Building Project," Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 104-111. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Becky Totterdell, "Fun Raising," Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 111-115.
On-line Resource Ian Stackhouse, "Life Between Ministries: A Quiet Word On Tent-Making," Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 116-118. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the authorr]
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Changing Horses: A Journey From The Baptists To The Church Of England," Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 119-123.
On-line Resource Chris Skilton, "Follow That! How To Succeed A Successful Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 124-126. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Apathy Can't Be Bothered To Rule - OK?" Ministry Today UK Issue 30 (Spring 2004): 127-128.

Issue 31 (Summer 2004)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – The Boring Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 130-131. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Liz Gulliford, "Forgiveness & Faith: Psychology & Theology In Dialogue," Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 131-141.
Article in Journal or Book Ian Gregory, "Concerts, Cinemas & Centres For Community - What Do You Do With A Redundant Church?" Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 141-142.
Article in Journal or Book John Smith, "Turning The Church Inside Out," Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 143-145.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Is Suicide A Sin?" Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 146-150. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Andrew George, "Cloning Jesus," Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 150-157.
Article in Journal or Book David Wise, "A Taste Of Heaven?" Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 157-164.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "The Curse Of 'Relevance'," Ministry Today UK Issue 31 (Summer 2004): 164-166.

Issue 32 (Autumn 2004)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Is Ministry in Crisis?" Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 168-169. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Faith Bowers, "Disability - Something Every Minister Should Think About," Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 169-177.
Article in Journal or Book Alastair Mckay, "Discord Is Part Of Harmony In The Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 177-183.
Article in Journal or Book Rob Merchant, "Way In: Establishing A Successful Welcome Course, For People In Transition," Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 183-186.
Article in Journal or Book Nigel Hardcastle, "The Processes That Develop Ministry." Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 186-194.
Article in Journal or Book John Bayes, "Dream Wedding Day," Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 194-196.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "The Seventh Day - A Naming Ceremony," Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 196-197. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, " 'My Way' At Funerals," Ministry Today UK Issue 32 (Autumn 2004): 198-199.

Issue 33 (Spring 2005)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – A Course for Grandparents," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 202-203. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Paul Goodliff, "Training Ministerial Students In Spirituality," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 203-213. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Roy Williamson, "How I Pray," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 213-214.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Quicke, "Good Preaching Can Harm Your Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 215-222.
On-line Resource Tim Marks, "Living With Liminality," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 222-226. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Job Specification For A Senior Minister," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 226-230. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Nigel Hardcastle, "The Gospel-Driven Church - A Reader's Response," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 230-232.
On-line Resource Philip Clements-Jewery, "Working With Asylum Seekers," Ministry Today UK Issue 33 (Spring 2005): 232-237. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]

Issue 34 (Summer 2005)

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Busy Days and Mondays," Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 240-241. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Leslie J Francis, " Ministry Burnout: Myth Or Reality?" Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 242-249.
On-line Resource Chris Skilton, "Saving The Church Or Saving The World?" Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 249-252. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author]
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Henwood, "Caring For The Dying &The Living," Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 252-258.
Article in Journal or Book Fraser Dyer, "Fit To Work, Work To Fit ," Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 258-261.
Article in Journal or Book Nigel Hardcastle, "'Parent', 'Adult', 'Child' In Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 262-267.
Article in Journal or Book Ivor Smith-Cameron, "How I Pray," Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 267-269.
Article in Journal or Book Anonymous, "Journal Of A Relationship Breakdown," Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 269-274.
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Where Do You Live?" Ministry Today UK Issue 34 (Summer 2005): 274-275.

Issue 35 (Autumn 2005)

Article in Journal or Book John Benton, "Being A Pastor Never Was An Easy Job," Ministry Today UK Issue 35 (Autumn 2005): 178-280.
Article in Journal or Book Katharine Hill & Richard Hill, "For Better, For Worse: Marriage As God Intended," Ministry Today UK Issue 35 (Autumn 2005): 280-286.
Article in Journal or Book Alun Brookfield, "Rocking All Over The Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 35 (Autumn 2005): 286-289.
Article in Journal or Book John Rackley, "Prayer & Midlife Ministry," Ministry Today UK Issue 35 (Autumn 2005): 289-295.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Timothy and Charlotte," Ministry Today UK Issue 35 (Autumn 2005): 295-299. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Gospel-Hardened Congregations," Ministry Today UK Issue 35 (Autumn 2005): 299-300.

Issue 36 (Spring 2006

On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Editorial – Communication," Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 302. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Andy Goodliff, "Emerging ... What?" Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 302-308.
Article in Journal or Book Lewis Burton, "Anglican Clergy & Methodist Ministers: Differing Views On Baptismal & Marriage Practice," Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 309-314.
Article in Journal or Book David Beer, "Purpose Driven Church," Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 314-321.
Article in Journal or Book Darrell Holmes, "A New (Zealand) Way Of Working," Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 321-328.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "A Service For The Renewal of Wedding Vows," Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 328-333. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "A Personal Reflection On Sabbaticals," Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 333-337. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of Paul Beasley-Murray]
Article in Journal or Book Hedgehog, "Power Corrupts," Ministry Today UK Issue 36 (Spring 2006): 337-338.

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