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On-line Resource Michael L. Andrakowicz, "The Father's Faithful Nurture Of Sons," Reformation & Revival 7.2 (Spring 1998): 47-64.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource John H. Armstrong, "Editor's Introduction Reformation And The Forgotten Father," Reformation & Revival 7.2 (Spring 1998): 7-12.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Oliver R. Barclay, Reasons for Faith. Leicester: Inter-Varsity, 1974. Pbk. ISBN: 0851103766. pp.144.
Book or monograph Herman Bavinck, The Doctrine of God. London: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1977. Hbk. ISBN: 0851512550. pp.407.
On-line Resource Stephen E. Broyles, "What Do We Mean by 'Godhead'?" The Evangelical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct.-Dec. 1978): 223-229.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph Brümmer: Speaking of a Personal GodVincent Brümmer, Speaking of a Personal God: An Essay in Philosophical Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pbk. ISBN: 052143632X. pp.170.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Brunner: Dogmatics, Vol. 1Emil Brunner, Dogmatics, Vol. 1: The Christian Doctrine of God. James Clarke & Co., Ltd., 2002. Hbk. ISBN: 0227172167. pp.372. e-book: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014. ISBN: 9781725255517. pp.374. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Book or monograph Buber: I and ThouMartin Buber, I and Thou. Continuum International Publishing Group - T & T Clark, 2000. Pbk. ISBN: 0567220605. pp.182.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert Burhenn, "Pannenburg's Doctrine of God," Scottish Journal of Theology 28 (1975): 535-
On-line Resource James Smith Candlish [1835–1892], The Christian Doctrine of GodJames Smith Candlish [1835–1892], The Christian Doctrine of God. Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, [1888]. Hbk. pp.142. View in PDF format pdf pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book D.A. Carson, "On Distorting the Love of God," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 621 (1999): 3-12.
Article in Journal or Book D.A. Carson, "God Is Love," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 622 (1999): 131-142.
Article in Journal or Book D.A. Carson, "God's Love and God's Sovereignty," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 623 (1999): 259-271.
Article in Journal or Book D.A. Carson, "God's Love and God's Wrath," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 624 (1999): 387-398.
Article in Journal or Book Robert B. Chisholm, "Does God ‘Change His Mind?'" Bibliotheca Sacra 152 (October-December 1995): 387-99.
On-line Resource David M. Ciocchi, "Reconciling Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 37.4 (Dec. 1994): 395-412.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Craig: The Only Wise GodWilliam Lane Craig, The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2000. Pbk. ISBN: 1579103162. pp.157.
On-line Resource Millard Erickson, "God and Change," Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 1.2 (Summer 1997): 38-51.
On-line Resource Joseph B. Flatt, "The God Who Is! Exodus 3:14-15," Reformation & Revival 7.2 (Spring 1998): 103-117.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Peter Taylor Forsyth [1848–1921], The Justification of God: Lectures for War- Time on a Christian Theodicy. London: Duckworth & Co., 1916. Hbk. pp.233. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Charles R. Gianotti, "The Meaning of the Divine Name YHWH," Bibliotheca Sacra 142: 565 (1985): 38-48.
Article in Journal or Book Langdon Gilkey, "God," P. Hodgson & R. King, eds. Christian Theology. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982.
Book or monograph Gunton: The One, The Three and the ManyColin E. Gunton, The One, The Three and the Many: God, Creation and the Culture of Modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge Unversity Press, 1993. Pbk. ISBN: 0521421845. pp.262.
On-line Resource Henry Melvill Gwatkin [1844-1916], The Knowledge of God and its Historical Development, 2 Vols.Henry Melvill Gwatkin [1844-1916], The Knowledge of God and its Historical Development, 2 Vols. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1907. Hbk. pp.334+308. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Paul Helm, The Providence of God. Contours of Christian Theology. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1993. Pbk. ISBN: 0851118925. pp.256.
On-line Resource Carl F.H. Henry [1913-2003], "The Living God of the Bible," Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 1.1 (Spring 1997): 16-31.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority, Vol. 1Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Speaks and Shows, Vol. 1. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. ISBN: 9781433571084. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Speaks and Shows, Vol. 2Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Speaks and Shows, Vol. 2. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. ISBN: 9781433571114. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Speaks and Shows, Vol. 3Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Speaks and Shows, Vol. 3. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. ISBN: 9781433571145. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Speaks and Shows, Vol. 4. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. ISBN: 9781433571176. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Stands and Stays, Vol. 5Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Stands and Stays, Vol. 5. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. ISBN: 9781433571206. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Stands and Stays, Vol. 6Carl F H Henry, God, Revelation and Authority: God Who Stands and Stays, Vol. 6. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. ISBN: 9781433571237. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Book or monograph Hodge: Systematic TheologyCharles Hodge, Systematic Theology, Vol. 1. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers Inc. Hbk. ISBN: 1565634594. pp.2400. { CBD}
Book or monograph Arthur Frank Holmes, All Truth is God's Truth. Leicester: IVP, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0877848181.
Book or monograph Robert W. Jenson, "God," A.E. McGrath, ed. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought. Oxford / Cambridge, MA: Blackwell 1993. pp.234-66.
Article in Journal or Book S. Lewis Johnson, Jr., "Divine Love In Recent Theology," Trinity Journal 5.2 (1984): 175-184.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Kaiser: The Doctrine of GodChristopher B. Kaiser, The Doctrine of God, revised edn. Westchester, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1982. Reprinted: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2001. Pbk. ISBN: 1579105491. pp.184. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Kasper: The God of Jesus ChristWalter Kasper, The God of Jesus Christ. London: SCM Press Ltd., 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0334020298. pp.448. e-book: London: Continuum, 2012. ISBN: 9781441177407. pp.448. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Veli-Matti Kärkkäien, The Doctrine of God. A Global IntroductionVeli-Matti Kärkkäien, The Doctrine of God. A Global Introduction. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2017. ISBN: 9781493410255. pp.272. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
On-line Resource C. Glenn Kenadjian, "Is The Doctrine That God is Spirit an Incoherent Concept?" Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 31.2 (1988): 191-202.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Svetlaba Knobnya, "God the Father in the Old Testament," European Journal of Theology 20.2 (2011): 139-148.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Lester J. Kuyper, "The Suffering and the Repentance of God," Scottish Journal of Theology 22 (1969): 257-
Book or monograph G.W.H. Lampe, God as Spirit: The Bampton Lectures, 1976. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976. Hbk. ISBN: 0198266448. pp.248.
Book or monograph Sallie McFague, Models of God: Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age. Philadelphia: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1989. Pbk. ISBN: 0800620518. pp.240.
On-line Resource The Concept of God; Some Philosophical Considerations (Reginald S. Luhman). An expanded version of a paper first published in The Evangelical Quarterly 54.2 (1982) 88-104.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource James E. McGoldrick, "The Christlikeness Of God," Reformation & Revival 7.2 (Spring 1998): 65-77.View in PDF format pdf
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Alister E. McGrath, Christian Theology: An Introduction, 6th ednAlister E. McGrath, Christian Theology: An Introduction, 6th edn. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 2016. ISBN: 9781118869567. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Book or monograph Eric Lionel Mascall, Existence and Analogy. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1966. Pbk. ISBN: 0232480443. pp.192.
On-line Resource Allen Mawhinney, "God As Father: Two Popular Theories Reconsidered," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 31.2 (1988): 181-190.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Goran Medved, "The Fatherhood of God in the Old Testament," Kairos Evangelical Journal of Theology 10.2 (Dec. 2015): 203-214. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Samuel J. Mikolaski, "Some Reflections on the Christian Doctrine of God," The Evangelical Quarterly 29.2 (1957): 85-93.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource R. Albert Mohler, Jr., "The Eclipse of God at Century’s End: Evangelicals Attempt Theology Without Theism," Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 1.1 (Spring 1997): 6-15.
Book or monograph Nash: The Concept of GodRonald H. Nash, The Concept of God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0310451418. pp.127.
Book or monograph Huw Parri Owen, Concepts of Deity. Macmillan, 1971. Hbk. ISBN: 0333013425. pp.186.
Book or monograph Huw Parri Owen, Christian Theism: A Study in Its Basic Principles. Edinburgh: Continuum International Publishing Group - T & T Clark, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0567093360. pp.151.
Book or monograph Packer: Knowing GodJames I Packer, Knowing God. London: Hodder & Stoughton Religious, 1993. Pbk. ISBN: 0340604085. pp.368.
Article in Journal or Book James I Packer, "Theism in Our Time," P.T. O'Brien & D.G. Peterson, eds., God Who is Rich in Mercy. Homebush West, NSW: Lancer Books, 1986. pp.1-23.
Article in Journal or Book James I Packer, "What Do We Mean When We Say 'God'?" Christianity Today 19 (1986): 22-25.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly John C. Peckham, The Doctrine of GodJohn C. Peckham, The Doctrine of God. Introducing the Big Questions. London: T & T Clark, 2019. ISBN: 9780567677853. pp.272. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Book or monograph David Penchansky & Paul L. Redditt, Shall Not the Judge of All the Earth Do What Is Right?: Studies on the Nature of God in Tribute to James L. Crenshaw. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2000. Hbk. ISBN: 1575060434. pp.268.
On-line Resource Bernard Ramm, The God Who Makes a Difference. Word Books, 1972.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Schaeffer: Escape From ReasonFrancis A. Schaeffer, Escape From Reason. Downers Grove, IL: IVP USA, 2014. ISBN: 9780830898299. pp.125. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Schaeffer: The God Who is ThereFrancis A. Schaeffer, The God Who is There. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2020. ISBN: 9780830850808. pp.232. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Article in Journal or Book Niall Shanks with John King-Farlow, "Theodicy: Two Moral Extremes," Scottish Journal of Theology 41 (1988): 153-
On-line Resource Thomas N. Smith, "'Behold, What Manner Of Love!': A Divine Family Of Human Sons And Daughters," Reformation & Revival 7.2 (Spring 1998): 13-45.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Aìda Besançon Spencer, "Father-Ruler: The Meaning Of The Metaphor 'Father' For God In The Bible," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 39.3 (1996): 433-442.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource R.V.G. Tasker, The Biblical Doctrine of the Wrath of God, 1951. London: The Tyndale Press, 1957. Pbk. pp.48. [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Bruce A. Ware, "An Evangelical Reformulation of The Doctrine Of The Immutability Of God," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 29.4 (1986): 431-446.View in PDF format pdf
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Bruce A. Ware, ed., Perspectives on the Doctrine of God. 4 ViewsBruce A. Ware, ed., Perspectives on the Doctrine of God. 4 Views. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2008. ISBN: 9780805464573. pp.320. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
On-line Resource Tom Wells, "God's Fatherhood and Prayer," Reformation & Revival 7.2 (Spring 1998): 79-88.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book John T. Willis, "The Repentance of God in the Books of Samuel, Jeremiah, and Jonah," Horizons in Biblical Theology 16.2 (1994): 156-175.

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