Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005]

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Article in Journal or Book Richard Coggins, Anthony Phillips & Michael Knibb, editors, Israel's Prophetic Tradition. Essays in Honour of Peter R.Ackroyd"Biographical Note," Richard Coggins, Anthony Phillips & Michael Knibb, editors, Israel's Prophetic Tradition. Essays in Honour of Peter R. Ackroyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Hbk. ISBN: 0521242231. pp.xi-xv.  

Primary Sources

On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "A Note on the Hebrew Roots," Journal of Theological Studies 43 No 171-172 (July 1942): 160-161.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Beyond Fundamentalism," The Christian World 4697
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Studies in the Book of Haggai," Journal of Jewish Studies 2.4 (1951): 1-13.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Hebrew Root ba'as," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 2 (1951): 31-36.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Freedom in Action: Studies in the Acts of the Apostles. London: Independent Press, 1951.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Teraphim," Expository Times 62.12 (Sept. 1951): 378-380.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Studies in the Book of Haggai [Part 1], Journal of Jewish Studies 2 1951): 163-176.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Studies in the Book of Haggai [Part 2], Journal of Jewish Studies 3 1952): 1-13.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Peter R, "Composition of the Song of Deborah," Vetus Testamentum 2.2 (April 1952): 160-162.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Book of Haggai and Zechariah 1-8," Journal of Jewish Studies 3.4 (1952): 163-76.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Between the Testament," The Norwich Syllabus (1952): 21-34.
On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Crisis and Evolution in the Old Testament," The Evangelical Quarterly 25.2 (1953): 69-82. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Criteria for the Maccabean dating of OT literature," Vetus Testamentum 3.2 (April 1953): 113-132.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Harvest and Rededication," Christian World Pulpit 164 (1953): 127f.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Some Interpretive Glosses in the Book of Haggai," Journal of Jewish Studies 7.3-4 (1956): 163-167.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Amos vii, 14," Expository Times 68.3 (Dec. 1956): 94.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Two Historical Problems of the Early Persian Period," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 17.1 (Jan. 1958): 13-27.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Peoples of the Old Testament. Christophers, 1959. Revised edition: London: Chatto and Windus, 1971.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The 153 Fishes of John xxi, 11 - a further note," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 10 (1959): 94.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Commentaries on Ezekiel," Theology 62 (1959): 97-100.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Survey of Old Testament Literature," Theology 65 (1962): 321-324.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Continuity: A Contribution to the Study of the Old Testament Religious Tradition. London: Blackwell, 1962.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], ""Hosea"; "Haggai"; "Zechariah" in The New Peake Commentary. Nelson, 1962. pp.603-613, 643-655.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Recent Biblical Theologies, vii: G.A.F. Knight's 'A Christian Theology of the Old Testament'," Expository Times 73.6 (March 1962): 164-168.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Jeremiah 10:1-16," Journal of Theological Studies ns 14.2 (Oct. 1963): 385-390.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Hosea and Jacob," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 245-259.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Vitality of the Word of God in the Old Testament," Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute in Jerusalem 1 (1962): 7-23.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Recent Biblical Theologies, vii: G.A.F. Knight's 'A Christian Theology of the Old Testament'," Expository Times 73 (1962): 164-168.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Understanding Amos," Learning for Living 2 (1962): 6-9.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Israel," Handbook for History Teachers. London: University of London Institute of Education, 1962. pp.430-431.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Place of the Old Testament in the church's teaching and worship," The Expository Times 74.6 (Mar 1963): 164-167.
On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Old Testament Tradition.Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Old Testament Tradition. London: The National Society, 1965. Pbk. pp.23. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Old Testament in the Christian Church," Theology 66 No.512 (Feb. 1963): 46-52.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Worship," Expository Times 74 (1963): 164-167.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Hosea and Jacob," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 245-259.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Jeremiah x, 1-16," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 14 (1963): 385-390.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Fourth Congress of the International Organisation for the Study of the Old Testament, Bonn, 1962," Expository Times 75 (1963): 19-20.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "A Note on Isaiah ii, 1," Zeitschrift für die Altestamentliche Wissenschaft 75.3 (1963): 320-321.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Revising the Psalter," The Kingsman 6 (1963): 13-20.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The History of Israel," H.H. Rowley, ed., A Companion to the Bible. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1963. pp.281-332.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Survey of Old Testament Literature," Theology 66 No 520 (Oct. 1963): 410-413.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Threefoldness in the Teaching of Jesus," Expository Times 75.10 (July 1964): 316.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Survey of Old Testament Literature," Theology 67 No 534 (Dec. 1964): 546-549.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Revision and Use of the Psalms," English Church Music (1965): 13-18.
On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Old Testament Tradition.Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Old Testament Tradition. London: The National Society, 1965.Pbk. pp.23. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Interpretation of the exile and restoration," Canadian Journal of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1968): 3-12. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Bacteriology in the Bible," Expository Times 76.7 (April 1965): 230.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Faith. Church Information Office, 1966..
On-line Resource Peter R. Ackroyd & Michael A. Knibb, "Translating the Psalms," Bible Translator 17.1 (Jan. 1966): 1-11.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Some Notes on the Psalms: Psalm 74:4," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 17.2 (Oct. 1966): 392.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Text of Ps 93:1," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 17.2 (Oct. 1966): 392-393.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Interpretation of hdrt qds: (Ps 29:2, 96:9; 1 Chron 16:29; 2 Chron 20:21)," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 17.2 (Oct. 1966): 393-396.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Psalm 118 in II QPsa," Journal of Theological Studies ns 17.2 (Oct. 1966): 396-399.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Psalm 118 in II QPsa," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 17.2 (Oct. 1966): 396-399.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "History and Theology in the Writings of the Chronicler," Concordia Theological Monthly 38.8 (Sept. 1967): 501-515.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], ""Samaria," D.W. Thomas, ed., Archaeology and Old Testament Study. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967. pp.343-354.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "What Kind of Belief About Jesus," Anglican Theological Review 49.3 (July 1967): 1-15.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Two Hebrew Notes," Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute in Jerusalem 5 (1967): 82-86.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Historians and Prophets," Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 33 (1968): 18-34.
On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], ", "Interpretation of the exile and restoration," Canadian Journal of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1968): 3-12. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Job the Agnostic," Context. Journal of the Lutheran School of Theology 1 (1968): 15-26. Reprinted: The Kingsman 11 (1969): 10-19.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Meaning of Hebrew דּוֹר Considered," Journal of Jewish Studies 13.1 (Spring 1968): 3-10.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Exile and RestorationPeter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the 6th Century BC. London: SCM Press Ltd. / Louisville, KY: Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 1968. ISBN: 9781611645835. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Meaning and Exegesis," P.R. Ackroyd & B. Lindats, eds., Words and Meanings. Essays Presented to D.W. Thomas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968. pp.1-14.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Historians and Prophets," Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 33 (1968): 18-54.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "נםח - εἰς τέλος," Expository Times 804 (Jan. 1969): 126.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Israel under Babylon and Persia, New Clarendon Bible, Vol. iv. Oxford, 1970.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Old Testament in the Making," P.R. Ackroyd & C.F. Evans, eds., Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Open Canon," Colloquium: Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 3.4 (May 1970): 279-291.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Age of the Chronicler (selwyn Lectures), supplement to Colloquium.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: 1969-1970," The Expository Times 81.4 (Jan. 1970)..
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 82.2 (Nov. 1970): 40-44
On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Aspects of the Jeremiah tradition," Indian Journal of Theology 20.1 (Jan.Mar. 1971): 1-12.
Book or monograph The First Book of SamuelPeter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], editor The First Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge, 1971. Pbk. ISBN: 0521096359. pp.250.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Theology of Tradition: An Approach to Old Testament Theological Problems," Bangalore Theological Forum 3.2 (July 1971): 49-64.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Theology and education," Colloquium 4.2 (May 1971): 77-91.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Aspects of the Jeremiah tradition," The Indian Journal of Theology 20.1-2 (Jan.-June 1971): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 83 (1971): 36-40.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "In Divers Manners," The Kingsman 14 (1971): 13-18.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Vaux, Roland de, 1903-1971," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 104 (Jan.-June 1972): 75-76.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Temple Vessels - A Continuity Theme," in Studies in the Religion of Ancient Israel. Vetus Testamentum Supplement 23 (1972): 166-81.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 84 (1972): 68-72
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 85 (1973): 40-45.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], I and II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Torch Commentary. 1973.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Theology of the Chronicler," Lexington Theological Quarterly 8 (1973): 101-116. Reprinted in The Kingsman 17 (1974): 29-38.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "An Authoritative Version of the Bible," The Expository Times 85 (1973): 374-377.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "An Interpretation of the Babylonian Exile: A Study of II Kings 20, Isaiah 38-9," Scottish Journal of Theology 27 (1974): 329-352.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 86 (1974): 72-77
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "An Interpretation of the Babylonian Exile: A Study of 2 Kings 20, Isaiah 38-9," Scottish Journal of Theology 27 (1974): 329-352
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], editor, Bible Bibliography 1967-1973 Old Testament. Blackwell, 1974.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "International Old Testament Studies," The Expository Times 86 (1974): 86, 150f.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 87 (1975): 68-71
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Verb love--'Aheb in the David-Jonathan narratives: a footnote," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 213-214.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "God and People in the Chronicler's Presentation of Ezra," J. Coppens, ed., La Notion biblique de Dieu, Bibliotheca Ephermeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 41. Duculot, Gembloux. pp.145162.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Chronicles, I and II," "Kings, I and II," Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, supplement. Abingdon Press, 1976. pp.156-158, 516-519.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Chronicler as Exegete," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 1-2 (1977): 2-32.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Continuity and Discontinuity," D.A. Knight, ed., Tradition and Interpretation. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1977. Hbk. pp.215-234.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 88 (1977): 103-107
Book or monograph The Second Book of SamuelPeter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], The Second Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge, 1977. Pbk. ISBN: 0521097541. pp.256.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Original Text and Canonical Text," Union Seminiary Quarterly Review 32. 3, 4 (1977): 166.173.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 89 (1978): 139-143
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Isaiah 1-12: Presentation of a Prophet," Vetus Testamentum Supplement 29 (1978): 16-48.
On-line Resource Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Doors of Perception: A Guide to Reading the PsalmsPeter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Doors of Perception: A Guide to Reading the Psalms. London: Faith Press, 1978. Pbk. ISBN: 0716404958. pp.96. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Biblical Classics 1. John Skinner: Prophecy and Religion," The Expository Times 89 (1978): 356-359.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Isaiah i-xii: Presentation of a Prophet," Congress Volume, Göttingen 1977, Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 29. 1978. pp.16-48.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Note to Parzon 'Iron' in the Song of Deborah," Journal of Semitic Studies 24 (1979): 19-20.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Foreign theological literature survey: Old Testament," The Expository Times 91 (1979): 8-13
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "History of Israel in the Exilic and Post-Exilic Periods," G.W. Anderson, ed., Tradition and Interpretation. Oxford, 1979. pp.320-350.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "Faith and its Reformulation in the Post-Exilic Period: Prophetic Material," Theology Digest 27-4 (1979): 323-334, 335-346.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Death of Hezekiah - A Pointer to the Future?" J. Doré, M. Carrez, P. Grelot, eds., De la loi au Messie: Le développment d'une espérance. Etudes d'histoire et de théologie offertes à Henri Cazelles. Descleé, Paris, 1981.
On-line Resource Peter R. Ackroyd, "Theological Reflections on the Book of Isaiah," King's Theological Review IV.2 (Autumn 1981): 53-62. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
On-line Resource Peter R. Ackroyd, "Theological Reflections on the Book of Isaiah II," King's Theological Review V.1 (Spring 1982): 8-13. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
On-line Resource Peter R Ackroyd, "Theological Reflections on the Book of lsaiah: Three Interrelated Studies," King's Theological Review V.2 (Autumn 1982): 43-48. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
On-line Resource Prof. Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Englishing the Psalms. The Ethel M. Wood lecture 1981 delivered at the Senate House, University of London on 2 March 1982. London: University of London, 1982. Pbk. pp.21.View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of the Ackroyd Family]
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Biblical Interpretation of the Reigns of Ahaz and Hezekiah," W. Boyd Barrick & John R. Spencer, eds., In the Shelter of Elyon. Essays on Ancient Palestinian Life and Literature in Honor of G.W. Ahlström. JSOT Supplement Series 31. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1984. Hbk. pp.247-259.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Book of Jeremiah - Some Recent Studies," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28 (1984): 47-59.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], "The Historical Literature," D.A. Knight & G.M. Tucker, eds. The Hebrew Bible and Its Modern Interpreters. Fortress / Scholars, 1985. pp.297-323.
Book or monograph Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005], Studies in the Religious Tradition in the Old Testament. London: SCM Press, 1987. ISBN: 033401560X.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Peter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005],Chronicler and His AgPeter Runham Ackroyd [1917-2005],Chronicler and His Age. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1991. ISBN: 9780567298645. pp.400. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]

Secondary Sources

Book or monograph Richard Coggins, Anthony Phillips & Michael Knibb, editors, Israel's Prophetic Tradition. Essays in Honour of Peter R.AckroydRichard Coggins, Anthony Phillips & Michael Knibb, editors, Israel's Prophetic Tradition. Essays in Honour of Peter R.Ackroyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Hbk. ISBN: 0521242231. pp.272.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Gary N. Knoppers & Lester L. Grabbe, Exile and Restoration. Revisited. Gary N. Knoppers & Lester L. Grabbe, Exile and Restoration. Revisited. Essays on the Babylonian and Persian Periods in Memory of Peter R. Ackroyd. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 9780567109828. pp.237. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]

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