Frederick Fyvie Bruce

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Works by F.F. Bruce by sorted by date:

Primary Sources 1975 - 1984


On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Abraham had two Sons: A Study in Pauline Hermeneutics," Huber L. Drumwright, & Curtis Vaughan, eds., New Testament Studies: Essays in Honor of Ray Summers in His Sixty-Fifth Year. Waco, TX: Markham Press Fund, Baylor University Press, 1975. Hbk. pp.71-84.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Apollos in the New Testament," Ekklesiastikos Pharos 57 (1975): 354-365.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Further Thoughts on Paul's Autobiography: Galatians 1:11-2:14," E. Earle Ellis & Erich Grässer, eds., Jesus and Paulus. Festschrift for W.G. Kümmel. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975. pp.21-29.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Grace of God and the Law of Christ: A Study in Pauline Ethics," Clifton Orlebeke & Lewis Smedes, eds., God and the Good: Essays in Honor of Henry Stob. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975. pp.22-34.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Introduction," G.F. Hawthorne, ed., Current Issues in Patristic Interpretation: Studies in Honor of M.C. Tenney. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975. pp.9-11.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The New Testament and Classical Studies," New Testament Studies 22 (1975-76): 229-242. [Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.3-16.]
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Paul and the Law of Moses," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of Manchester 57.2 (Spring 1975): 259-279.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "A Reappraisal of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature," Review and Expositor 72 (1975): 305-315.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Was Paul a Mystic," Reformed Theological Review 34 (1975): 66-75.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Godfrey Rolles Driver (1892-1975)," The Witness 105, No. 1255 (July 1975): 266-67.


Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Bible and the Faith," Free Church Chronicle 31 (Winter 1976): 8-16. [Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.269-279.]
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Christ and Spirit in Paul," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 59 (1976-77): 259-285. [Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.114-132.]
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "The Lausaane Covenant - 2: The Authority and Power of the Bible," The Harvester 55 (November 1976): 320-333.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Myth & History," Colin Brown, ed., History, Criticism & Faith. Four Exploratory Studies. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1976. Pbk. ISBN: 085111315X. pp.79-99.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Is the Paul of Acts the Real Paul?" Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 58 (1975-76): 282-305.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "New Testament and classical studies: Society New Testament Studies Presidential Address, 1975," New Testament Studies 22 (April 1976): 229-242.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Paul and the Athenians," Expository Times 88 (Oct. 1976): 8-12.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976)," The Witness 107, No. 1273 (Jan. 1977): 19, 21.


Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Early Church's Experiment in Communism," Shaft 18 (1977): 6-8.


Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "'All things to all men: diversity in unity and other Pauline tensions," In: Unity and diversity in New Testament theology. Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978. pp.82-99.
Book or monograph Bruce: The History of the Bible in EnglishF.F. Bruce, The History of the Bible in English (3rd revised edn of The English Bible: A History of Translations.) London: The Lutterworth Press / New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pbk. Reprinted: 2003. ISBN: 0718890310. pp.xiii + 284.
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, The Time is Fulfilled. Exeter: The Paternoster Press, 1978 / Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979. Pbk. ISBN: 0853642192. pp.128.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Are the New Testament Document Still Reliable?" K.S. Kantzer, ed., Evangelical Roots: A Tribute to W.M. Smith. New York: Thomas Nelson, 1978. pp.49-61.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Bishop Westcott and the Classical Tradition," Spectrum 11 (September 1978): 19-21. View in PDF format pdf [© F.F. Bruce Copyright International, Inc., Bath, England, and Nashville, Tennessee. Reproduced by permission]
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Christ our Hope, Part I" The Harvester 57 (May 1978): 132-133.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Christ our Hope, Part II" The Harvester 57 (June 1978): 165-168.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, "The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts," Gary A. Tuttle, ed., Biblical and Near Eastern Studies. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978. Hbk. ISBN: 0802835007. pp.7-17.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Full Name of the Procurator Felix," Journal for the Study of the New Testament 1 (Oct. 1978): 33-36.
On-line Resource In God's Community. Essays on the Church and Its MinistryF.F. Bruce, "Lessons from the Early Church," David J. Ellis & W. Ward Gasque, eds., In God's Community. Essays on the Church and Its Ministry. London: Pickering & Inglis, 1978 / Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw Publishers, 1979. Pbk. ISBN: 0720804116. pp.153-168. [Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.235-247.]
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Romans Through Jewish Eyes," A. Benoit, M. Philonenko & C. Vogel, eds., Paganisme, Judaïsme, Christianisme: Mélanges offerts à Marcel Simon. Paris: Boccard, 1978. pp.3-12.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "St. John At Ephesus," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester 60.2 (Spring 1978): 339-361.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Are the New Testament documents still reliable," Christianity Today 23 (Oct. 20 1978): 28ff.


Book or monograph Bruce: Bible for TodayF.F. Bruce, Bible for Today. Lutterworth Press, 1979. Hbk. ISBN: 0718824180. pp.144.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, God's Kingdom and Church. London: Scripture Union, 1979. pp.63.
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, The Work of Jesus. Eastbourne: Kingsway Communications, 1979. Pbk. ISBN: 0860653005. pp.144.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Accountability in University Life," Spectrum 12 (September 1979): 10-11. View in PDF format pdf [© F.F. Bruce Copyright International, Inc., Bath, England, and Nashville, Tennessee. Reproduced by permission]
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Gospel Text of Marius Victorinus," E. Best & R. McL. Wilson, eds., Text and Interpretation: Studies in the New Testament Presented to Matthew Black. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. pp.69-78.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "St. Paul in Macedonia," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 61.2 (1979): 337-354.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Prophetic Interpretation in the Septuagint," Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 12 (Fall 1979): 17-26.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Transmission and Translation of the Bible," F.E. Gaebelein, ed., The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 1. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979. pp.37-57.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The trial of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel," In: Gospel Perspectives. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1980. pp.7-20.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Theology and Interpretation of the Old Testament," G.W. Anderson, ed., Tradition and Interpretation. London: Oxford University Press, 1979. pp.385-416.
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, What the Bible Teaches About What Jesus Did. Tyndale House Publishers, 1979. Pbk. ISBN: 0842378855.


Book or monograph Bruce: Men and Movements in the Primitive Church: Studies in Early Non-Pauline ChristianityF.F. Bruce, Men and Movements in the Primitive Church: Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity. Exeter: The Paternoster Press, 1979. ISBN: 085364280X. pp.159. = Peter, Stephen, James & John. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980. pp.159.
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, In Retrospect: Remembrance of Things Past. Pickering & Inglis, 1980. Hbk. ISBN: 072080471X. pp.328.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "St. Paul in Macedonia: 2. The Thessalonian Correspondence," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 62.2 (1980): 328-345.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Charting new directions for New Testament Studies," Christianity Today 24 (Oct. 10 1980): 19-22.


Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, Jesus and Paul: Places They Knew, 1981. Thomas Nelson Inc., 1983. Hbk. ISBN: 0840752814. pp.128.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Commentaries on Acts," Epworth Review 8.3 (Sept. 1981): 82-87.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "St. Paul in Macedonia: 3. The Philippian Correspondence," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of Manchester 63.2 (Spring 1981): 260-284.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Anthony Tyrrell Hanson: a tribute," Journal for the Study of the New Testament 13 (October 1981): 3-8.


On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, Paul and the Mind of Christ. Leicester: Religious & Theological Students Fellowship, 1982. Pbk. pp.43.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, Acts of the Apostles Today. Manchester: John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1982. Pbk. ISBN: 0863730000. pp.22.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "The Background to the Son of Man Sayings," Christ The Lord. Studies in Christology presented to Donald Guthrie. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1982. Hbk. ISBN: 0851117449. pp.50-70.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "The Curse of the Law," M.D. Hooker & S.G. Wilson, eds., Paul and Paulinism. Essays in Honour of C.K. Barrett. London: SPCK, 1982. Hbk. ISBN: 028103835X. pp.27-36.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph ruce: The Epistle to the GalatiansF.F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Galatians. The New International Greek Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982. Hbk. ISBN: 0802823874. pp.325.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Romans Debate - Continued," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 64 (Spring 1982): 334-359. [Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.79-97.]
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, “Acts of the Apostles To-Day,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of Manchester 65.1 (Autumn 1982): 36-56.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "What Does it [the Bible] Mean?" Christian Brethren Review 31, 32 (1982): 41-52.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Women in the Church: A Biblical Survey," Christian Brethren Review 33 (1982): 7-14.View in PDF format pdf [Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.259-266.]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Bruce: Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 45, 1 & 2 ThessaloniansF.F. Bruce, 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Word Biblical Commentary, Vol. 45. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017. ISBN: 9780310586371. pp.276. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]


On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "The Bible and the environment," Morris Inch & Ronald Youngblood, eds., Living and Active Word of God. Essays in Honor of Samuel J. Schultz. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983. Hbk. ISBN: 0931464110. pp.15-29.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Biblical exposition at Qumran," In: Gospel Perspectives. Sheffield: JSOT Press, University of Sheffield, 1983. pp.77-98.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Some Thoughts on the Beginning of the New Testament Canon," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 65.2 (Spring 1983): 37-60.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Bruce: Hard Sayings of JesusF.F. Bruce, Hard Sayings of Jesus. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0877849277. pp.266.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Robertson Smith and The Prophets of Israel," Expository Times 95 (Nov.1983): 45-49.


Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Colossian Problems: Part 1: Jews and Christians in the Lycus Valley," Bibliotheca Sacra 141: 561 (1984): 3-13.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Colossian Problems: Part 2: The 'Christ Hymn' of Colossians 1:15-20," Bibliotheca Sacra 141: 562 (1984): 99-112.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Colossian Problems: Part 3: The Colossian Heresy," Bibliotheca Sacra 141: 563 (1984): 195-206.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Colossian Problems: Part 4: Christ as Conqueror and Reconciler," Bibliotheca Sacra 141: 564 (1984): 291-301.
Book or monograph Bruce: Abraham and David: Places They KnewF.F. Bruce, Abraham and David: Places They Knew. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1984. Hbk. ISBN-10: 0840754027. ISBN-13: 978-0840754028. pp.128.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Bruce: Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon and to the EphesiansF.F. Bruce, Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon and to the Ephesians. New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984. ISBN: 9781467423182. pp.470. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, "'Called to Freedom': A Study in Galatians," William C. Weinrich, ed., The New Testament Age: Essays in Honor of Bo Reike, Vol. 1. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1984. Hbk. ISBN: 0865540977. pp.61-71.
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, St. Paul and the "Powers That be". Manchester: John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0863730310. pp.20. = F.F. Bruce, "Paul and the Powers that be'." Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 66.2 (Spring 1984): 78-96.[Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.98-113.]
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "John Wycliffe and the English Bible," Churchman 98.4 (1984): 294-306.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The reliability of the New Testament," In: Intellectuals speak out about God. Chicago, IL: Regnery Gateway, 1984. pp.255-256.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The date and character of Mark," In: Jesus and the politics of his day. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. pp.69-89.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Render to Caesar," In: Jesus and the politics of his day. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. pp.249-263.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Tacitus on Jewish history," Journal of Semitic Studies 29 (Spring 1984): 33-44.

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